Okay, maybe I dodged a big fat bullet. (When I first wrote this, that brilliant pun was not intended)
I confronted Belly about how he knew I had a blog and he said:
"I just kinda saw it on your screen and I wanted to try and help you out"
He's a liar and a spy..wanna know HOW I know?? Well when I DO have Blogger open, It's in a really small box at the far bottom of my screen about 3 inches wide!!
I told him that while I appreciated his "concern", I would rather that he NOT look at my screen or nose around in my area. I should have added: "And stop staring at my tits" but I didn't.
Last night I attempted to create a new blog but Blogger went down for like an hour..shit shit shit!!
I think it was a sign.
Sorry I panicked.....
If you do decide to move, I wanna know - I love this blog! :)
Ooh, move to Wordpress. Does. not. go. down!
I am apparently now a Wordpress whore, so take it as you may or discard without a thought, but I do like it so much better than Blogger.
I can't believe he was looking at your damn screen!
If you start a new blog, you had better send me an email telling me the address! I'm your biggest fan, remember???
Mark Your Calender!
Okay my best friend and I have been reading your blog today and the coworker you're describing totally sounds like an ex friend's hubby....we are having a great time picturing the guy we know in these scenerios! Hahahaha! Hilarious!
Meowkaat Dahhhhlin'!!
Of course I'll email you to let you know..I'm not gonna let some little short, fat, bald dude run me off!!!ahahahaha
That's the way! You can't let the belly win...you can't let the belly win.... You can't let the belly WIN...
I knew it was only a matter of time before that fat bastard snooped around in your stuff. I hope you have a password on your screensaver, because this shit makes me laugh every.single.day and if you leave, well, you better let us know where in the fuck you have gone, sistah!
Hey! Don't leave me out of the moving party! Let me know what happens and or where you go. I'm a dedicated reader. www.lovain.blogspot.com
Sorry to hear about the scare you had. Still,I think I'm with everyone else on this one and I hope you keep blogging because it's a heaping pile of good fun to read.
I haven't even seen your tits but you know I'm staring.
Orhan...you're a pervert..but in a funny way..weird huh?
The link I sent you yesterday for Official Slap Your Irritating Co-Workers Holiday?
I was actually slapped today!
O.k., first off, he's done WAY more shit he could get fired for, so all he's trying to do get some diry on you by peeping and filming because he wants to feel like his job is secure because he thinks he's got dirt on you.
Let it be know that filming someone without their consent is an infringement on civil rights, for which he could be terminated immediately. So if he goes to the boss and says, "Here's what I caught Big Tatas doing," he will be canned and you can SUE HIS ASS! Not to mention that you can turn him in for the nasty European XXX "commercial" he sent around--and he knows it. Again, not only would he be fired, but he is subject to lawsuits.
Also, as a side note, Blogger has the capability to post from your mobile phone via text messaging, so you can always argue that you posted during your breaks and after work--and you DON'T have to give out your address. Fuck it, give 'em my blog address.
I don't understand why you don't just rat this fat fucker out! Seriously. I understand that generally the whistle blower generally gets canned right along with the idiot who's making everyone miserable, but there's got to be something else out there better suited for you.
Unless.... you actually have feelings for the giant pink turd in the next cube. You know, there are documented instances where people who have been taken hostage start to empathize or even like their captors--SNAP OUT OF IT.
One final thought, definitely don't let anyone silence your voice! it's the only thing you have in life.
You rock, please don't go.
Riotgrrlwargasm, I ALWAYS look forward to your comments..I'm serious, you've got good legal sense.
In response to the ratting him out issue...I guess I'm one of those people that keeps taking it and taking it then I SNAP and start shooting people. (See my post from 10/27 for reference)
Plus, it's fun to gossip about others..hahahahaha
The link you sent me was blocked by our firewall...somebody probably sent one to their supervisor...hahaha
Funny perverts always get the nude pictures, always.
OMG, I'm glad you understoood what I was saying because I OBVIOUSLY did not PROOFREAD my comment before posting (idiot! bad riot!).
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