Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Not a Peep

Ok, one last thing and I'll stop blog-harrassing you today.

Rememeber my "Theiving Bitch" incident from the other day? Well the day it happened, I sent an email to my supervisor and our director's executive assistant informing them of "the theft" thinking: "Oh yeah..that hungry bitch is going DOWN!!"
Well because they care about me so damn much around here...THEY HAVEN'T SAID A DAMN WORD!! No email response, no informal meeting to say "Too bad, bitch" ...NOTHING!!

Damn Corporate Machine!!

Then as if that wasn't bad enough..I keep hearing the damn Jimmy Dean BreakFast Sandwich radio commercial EVERY day on my way to work..god is mocking me.


Dr. A said...

Congrats on Bestest Blog!

Ian said...

Hello there, Linka72!

I came here via Bestest Blog and I have to say your stories are very funny. I'm going to be late to work this morning because I'm reading them instead of eating my breakfast. As I read along, I keep hearing "Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta" from the Office Space soundtrack in my head. Great stuff.

Stop by and say hello

Me said...

I know the feeling. I once sent a 7 page complaint letter to head office of an old job. It got me fired. I didn't do anything wrong, it was just easier than dealing with the issue(s).

They cared just that much.

Jules said...

Congrats on Bestest Blog of the Day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Bestest Blog!!

I love reading your blog each day! I'm waiting for the day that you snap and beat Belly senseless with his computer keyboard!

Bethany said...

One day, at the office I work at, someone stole a burrito out of the fridge. The owner of the burrito was very upset so they sent an email to THE ENTIRE COMPANY that next time, they'd buy two burritos and poison one of them so whoever wanted to steal their burrito wouldn't know which one was which.

I don't recommend this considering he or she got fired for the email. But I wanted to share!