Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Such A Nerd....

It's amazing how Belly lies.

Me and Sweetie were having a discussion about a caller who admitted that his child broke his PDA. We started talking about things that we broke as children WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN, Belly butts in and says: "When I was little I took a train transformer THEN I put in in a metal bowl,THEN I put a live cricket in the bowl so I could test the polarity of blah blah fuckin' blah....."

What in the fuck is he talking about?

I can just imagine his little fat, nerdy, coke bottle glasses wearing ass reading Popular Science and picking his nose.

I'm going to maim him soon...really I am.


queen of wt said...

I am a sugar addict as well. I just got canned from my endocrine doc for missing 4 appointments. Love the blog and just put it on the WHITE TRASH MOM blogroll. Hopefully, you are honored and not offended!

Linka72 said...

Thanks Queen,

I am honored, funny seeing as I am neither White or a mom..trash is debatable!!!

Me said...

If by maim you mean make sweet, sweet love to him, I totally agree. It will happen sooner than you think.

Linka72 said...

Orhan..I will kill you soon..I promise..and no I don't mean sweet sweet love either..cuz I don't know you..and that would be whorish..ok feeling awkward now

Me said...

Mmm, sweet maim. I can dig it.