Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lose The Pizza Place's Number!!!!

Our supervisor treated us to pizza today...yes, you guessed it..Belly was completely out of control.

He claims that he's been working out on his treadmill lately so that's why his appetite is so strong..uh, ok

I decided to pass on the pizza, due to my acid reflux and all, so when he heard this, he immediately said:
"Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey (what, motherfucker?????) Can I have your slices??"
This is after he ALREADY ate 3 slices..add my 2 slices..then he got up and ate 2 more..7 slices of

I swear, it's absolutely amazing..I can't help but stare..No Orhan, it's not because of his "searing physique"

Imagine how long it's going to take him to get "Six pack abs".....


Me said...

Well, that puts me in my place.

However, it does not end here ;)

skinnylittleblonde said...

six pack abs or just the whole case? maybe a keg?