Monday, April 23, 2007

Fucking Snitch

They blocked the streaming video episodes from at my place of business...fuckers

I truly and honestly suspect that it was Belly who snitched..fat bastard

Was I bothering anyone?? NO!!

Wasn't I AT LUNCH when I watched Ugly Betty and Lost??? YES!!

I can't stand his retarded, Marvin The Martian- sounding would be just like him to run and tell the supervisor that Linka was watching tv online, because I normally ignore him while I'm watching Lost online...urrrrgggggg.

I should spit on his keyboard while he's at lunch....or spill a large cup of my urine in the far corner of his cubicle...yeah, that would be fun-eee.


Cristini P said...

Want to know what I used to do as a kid to get even with people who pissed me off and made me feel like shit? I would go into the "cloakroom" and wipe my boogs all over their coats, those little bastards never knew what hit 'em.

Linka72 said...

Now THAT is some funny shit!!!
Sadly, his stuff is probably already covered in boogers..yeck

A Margarita said...

Put a tuna fish sandwich in his trash can! Or his air duct.