It seems that my boobs are The Debbul...
The baby is on a breastfeeding strike. She breastfed for like a month and now she HATES it.
It's probably because my milk supply is bullshit at best..sorry lil baby. I try to get her to feed every other day but she just looks at my tit like it owes her money and turns away...
She actually punched me in the nip once...
But the last few times she stuck her tongue out, tasted the milk a little (as if she was testing the vintage) then screamed bloody murder until I got her a bottle of formula to nosh on.
Maybe my milk is sour....God knows I'm not going to taste it for myself...that is just crazy balls.
It hurt my "perty lil feelers" for a while thinking she didn't like ME anymore but I was going through post-partum depression and I was SUPER crazy balls anyways so that passed.
And as if that wasn't TMI period started up again today...because as you may or may not know - breastfeeding makes the hemorrhaging vajazzlin go away.
damn it all to hell...
P.S....I had NO idea hemorrhaging was spelled that way..1.5 years of The Art Institute really paid off huh?